Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/clients/a363968b2aa4dd2318c46b94a9a5039c/web/wp-content/plugins/unyson/framework/helpers/general.php on line 1275

Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /home/clients/a363968b2aa4dd2318c46b94a9a5039c/web/wp-content/plugins/unyson/framework/helpers/general.php on line 1275
Carnaroli Reis Risotto - Bern Unverpackt

Carnaroli Reis Risotto

CHF 0.66

Category: Tag: Herkunft:Reis aus ItalienLieferant:in:Mühle KleebAllergene:-Inhaltsstoffe:ReisNährwert:352kcal, 78g Kohlenhydrate, 0.9g Fett, 7.4g Protein, 0g Salz
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